Abanico Desk
PET Felt, Powder Coated Steel
PET Felt, Powder Coated Steel
Abanico is the result of a project with a Mexico based furniture company called Versa Concepto. The project brief was to design a piece of furniture that could be marketed to an emerging work-from-home market.
The key insight I gathered from interviews was that remote work often contributed negatively to work-life balance. This insight drove the development of a domestic workspace that could be closed at the end of the day.
After a long day of work Abanico can be folded away and can live in a closet or the corner of a small space. The hinge mechanism was designed to be manufactured within Versa’s manufacturing constraints. It is mounted to a PET felt covered frame. The hooks that extend from the desk combined with the rolling track allow the desk to be mounted at standard sitting and standing heights.
Abanico encourages a healthier work-life balance by allowing remote-workers the opportunity to close up shop at the end of the work day and return to a peaceful domestic living space.